Why Every Parent Needs a Will

Possibly the most significant responsibility of any parent is to ensure their children are protected and feel safe. Parents need to be aware of the dangers that lurk in our world. They need to secure their house properly, install car seats correctly, keep medicine and cleaning chemicals out of reach, and many other things, all in the name of safety. But what would happen to your children if you were to pass away or become incapacitated suddenly? November is National Child Safety and Protection Month, and it provides an excellent opportunity for ... CONTINUE READING

Late-Night Driver Becomes a Sudden Hero

Nicholas Bostic had a heated argument with his girlfriend one night, so he went out driving around to clear his head and relax. Little did he know he would become a hero that same night. During his drive, he witnessed a raging fire that had engulfed a family’s home ... CONTINUE READING

Thanksgiving Is About More Than Food

As we prepare for our Thanksgiving feasts, Thursday night football games, and Black Friday shopping, take some time to show gratitude for those around you and for what you have. Here are a few ways to practice gratitude this month ... CONTINUE READING

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